Saturday, September 16, 2006

No I didn't disappear

1. WAR EAGLE- Auburn beat LSU
2. I get to wear workout clothes everyday to work!
3. I get to share the love of Jesus with almost 200 women on a weekly basis
4. I get to spend 3 hours with my sister and nephew everyday
5. I get a three day weekend
6. I have an amazing husband who wants to see me set free from the lies that I believe
7. I have amazing friends who are always there for me
8. My nieces and nephews are the coolest kids around
9. I love living next door to David and Farah
10. I love our dog Bailey

Monday, August 21, 2006

Job 4

So...since graduating last December my job situation has varied. I am currently at my third job since April. Job 1. Daycare 2. Dr. Office 3. Real Estate Co. receptionist Probably not good to put on resume that my typical length of employment is about two months. Thankfully I can say this change in jobs is not due to being fired, but to better jobs coming along. I have gained experience at each job and narrowed down which positions do not fit into my "dream" job.

So on to job 4- I will soon become the manager of a Curves Fitness for Women club that my friend owns in Montgomery. I am really excited about this opportunity. I will get to interact with and minister to women-which I love to do. I will get to encourage them and pray with them, because Curves is a christian company. My schedule will be amazing with 3 days off each week. I am so excited that the Lord has blessed me with this opportunity. I have wanted to work with Curves for awhile and the positions were not available. It will give me great experience and training to further the ultimate goals I have for my life and feel called to accomplish for the Lord. The schedule will allow me to have more free time to work on other things that I have been trying to finish for several years, as well as be more workable with going back to school online.

I am excited about the things the Lord has for us in the this next year. The Lord's quiet voice continues to speak whispers of what is to come and to be patient in this time of preperation.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Our House

we live in 24 and they live in 20.

This is our new home. We live next door to David and Farah(Bryan's brother and sister-in-law).
Its a lot of fun to live next door to family...its still weird b/c they lived in WA for the last 5 its odd to just walk next door and there they are. However, we love hanging out with them and playing with the boys and Faith(their dog) and Bailey are great playmates. The upstairs is not yet picture look forward to more pics once we get settled upstairs. Our life as usual has been a little crazy...but we don't mind all the madness.

Meet Bailey

Bailey is the newest member to the Isbell clan.
He is a lab mix(what he's mixed with we don't know) But as you can see he's adorable.

Catching up

Baby Cole is always smiling or laughing.

This is me driving the JEEP! Its great having a brother in law with a Jeep Wrangler!

I'm holding my adorable nephew Davis while
we watched the 4th of July Fireworks!

We took family pictures for my moms birthday!

Friday, August 11, 2006

Look at the Nations

“Look among the nations and watch— Be utterly astounded! For I will work a work in your days Which you would not believe, though it were told you." Habakkuk 1:4-6

Everything going on the last few months has really stirred me to be more prayerful of the nations. Today I was reading the news at work and there are 4 million in India who have been left homeless after flooding(this is on top of the millions there already homeless). There are several other countries experiencing flooding with death and disease a companion. My heart is just hurting for the world and all that is going on. Let's not forget to pray for the nations and our fellow brothers who are ministering the gospel there.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Be Still

Still is not a word that has crossed my mind nor an action that my body has engaged in over the last several months. Tonight I finally crashed, I am still. My mind is slowly quieting down and my body has no choice but to be still, as I am exhausted. Over the year my life has changed dramatically, and I have had little time to process it all, beginning with getting engaged last September, graduating, beginning post-graduate life, planning a wedding, getting married, making major life decisions 3 weeks after being married, finding jobs, starting jobs, moving to a "new" town, starting another new job, moving into another new house. I'm exhausted. I don't care that my house is packed in boxes and my car, I don't care that my closet isn't organized neatly, I just want to rest and savor the fact that my house is quiet, and I have nothing to do tonight that can't wait until tomorrow.

The last year seems like a blur, and here I sit, married, in a new house, living next door to my relatives who lived in Seattle for the past 5 years, graduated from college, my best friends gone all over the US, and it seems so surreal. But tonight I am enjoying being still and soaking in all the changes that have taken place in the past year of my life. Its hard to believe things I dreamed of for so many years have finally taken place, and yet I know there are more to come.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006


I'm sure that this is going to be a common blog theme for today, seeing as how it is July 4, Independence Day. However, I don't think that our freedom in Christ can ever be overstated. Today I have been in awe of the fact that all the freedoms I enjoy are ones that I have not fought for or done anything to recieve. My freedom in Christ was paid for by the blood of Jesus, and my American freedoms were fought for by brave men. So often I fail to remember the price that has been paid for the daily freedoms that I enjoy, so here's my remembering the blood that has been shed for us to enjoy freedom on so many levels. Thank you sweet Jesus.

"What are you doing in the world?"-Dax Isbell

My two and half year old nephew, Dax Isbell, who is learning how to talk got his words mixed up one day and instead of saying, "What in the world are you doing?", he said "What are you doing in the world?". Well when my sister-in-law told me this story immediately the phrase went straight to my heart and I have pondered it since she told me.

Bryan and I are in a place of waiting. We don't know what the futureholds, we only have glimpses and the next immediate step. However, the question resonates in my heart because as I go through out my day it keeps my focus on glorifying the Lord. I know that He has a plan and a purpose in this time of preperation for the things to come, but I don't want to be so caught up in the things to come that I miss those divine appointments to minister His love and grace to those around me. We are looking forward to our move "home" in August to be closer to family and to begin this season of preperation as the Lord continues to mold in us the plans He has for us.

I thought I would share the profound thought of my nephew with you because its a good question to ask ourselves..."what are we doing in the world?" to minister grace and love to the lost? Are we spending our days glorifying our creator or magnifying ourselves?

Tuesday, June 27, 2006


The last few weeks have been full and not without there moments, however, through every day I have seen how tremendously blessed I am. There is no way the negative can out weigh the blessings in my life!

TOP 12
1. David and Farah, Dax and Cole are home
2. I got to spend the weekend in NC in the beautiful Blueridge Mountains
3. I made a new friend who lives in CA
4. I got to worship with 200 amazing godly women, be encouraged, inspired, humbled
5. I got some rest and rich fellowship with Jesus
6. I got to see my newest nephew several times in one week
7. I got to drive 10 hours with my mom and have good conversation
8. I have an amazing husband
9. I got to drive a Jeep Wrangler
10. My mom and I made it home from NC safely, and on Sunday
11. The Lord provided faithfully everything we needed this week
12. Mine and Bryan's car repairs were cheaper than we thought

Bottom 4
1. My car died on the way home from NC Sunday afternoon
2. The mechanics at Sears and Firestone argued for 2 hours about the problem
3. I cried while standing in the rain because they wouldn't listen to me about the problem
4. Bryan's car had to go to the shop the day after mine had to have a new battery and alternator

Saturday, June 17, 2006

war eagle
These are a little late, but we can't upload pictures off our computer at home. But this is my handsome nephew who grows cuter everyday!

Sunday, June 11, 2006


Wow! I can't believe its been over a month since I posted. Life is full and wonderful right! Bryan and I are growing a lot spiritually, personally, and together. We are excited about whats to come. This weekend has been a full one, refreshing and encouraging.

Thursday I left for the drive to Birmingham to see my best friend Julia compete for the title of Miss Alabama. The drive was a nice break to think and pray. The evening was great, minus some sour talent, Julia was incredible in her evening wear dress! Friday I got to spend the day with my second mom and my surrogate grandmother. We shoe shopped and had lunch! It was a great day, relaxing, and refreshing. A true blessing from the Lord. Friday night I got to catch up with Mer and Jared over dinner, it was great fellowship. Julia stole the show with her amazing piano performance. Saturday was a great day hanging out with my family and playing with my adorable nephew and the back to Birmingham for Miss Alabama finals. Julia did amazing and placed 2nd runner up for the second year in a row. She was so excited!

We are now looking forward with much anticipation to the arrival of David and Farah, Dax and Cole and the rest of the fam that is traveling across the country and will arrive on Sunday! It will be exciting and wonderful to have the entire Isbell clan in the same state and within 45 minutes of each other

Wednesday, May 10, 2006


Well the suspense is sister and her husband had a boy! Early monday morning at 1:22 am, Davis Andrew Brewer was welcomed into this world. It was such an amazing experience to be a part of! The Lord blessed my sister with a fairly mild labor and with a beautiful and healthy baby! I became an aunt of 4 nephews and 1 niece, when Bryan and I got married, but I am so excited to be an "official" aunt of my own sisters little boy!!

you can view pictures at:

Thursday, May 04, 2006

I love my job

Don't ask me why because most people would hate it, but I love it! Today I spent my entire 5 hours at work typing data into a computer. I spent the last week hauling 1400 patient files up and down a ladder from the attic, putting the numbers into a database. I know the reason I love this job and not because of the actual work...although I don't mind it and it doesn't bore me. I love that I get to spend a lot of time in prayer, I love that I get to pray over each patient by name...even though I don't know who they are or anything about them except they have arthritis. But how cool is it that I prayed for 1400 people that I don't know by name. I love that I get to be a light in a dark place! Today it was very clear to me why I love working in this type of environment. This is the second doctors office job I have had and in every case it was the same....the staff gripes and complains about the doctor and each other. My first day at work I overheard one of the head nurses saying she wished we were more like a family...the Lord pricked my heart and I have since been praying certain things over the office. The ladies I work with all come from difficult situations and don't appear to be walking with the Lord, however, they are hurting and just want someone to genuinely care about them.

I told Bryan that the reason I think I have wanted/like to work in this type of environment is because I have the ability to make the place one of encouragement rather than discouragement and negativity. The doctor needs a supportive staff not one that gripes behind her back....and they all need one another to help them not only through the day but through life. I realize as a believer the power I posses through prayer to change the atmosphere of the office. I look forward to seeing what the Lord does in my time there as He continues to show me how to pray for them and how to be an encouragement to them!

Oh and by the way...I am no longer just a full-time file-clerk I am the medical records person...I like that it sounds more professional than file-clerk!!

Sunday, April 30, 2006


So you go into a doctor's office and think to yourself "Man I would love to wear scrubs everyday".
Well, having had this thought many times before...I was excited when I got a job at a daycare and the "uniform" was scrubs. After having worked there for 3 weeks, I hate wearing scrubs everyday. So just in case you thought it would be great to wear scrubs everyday, let me set the record straight...its not as glorious as it looks. I got a new job at a doctor's office and they give me the option of wearing them if I want too since I own 3 sets now. It will be nice on those lazy days when I don't want to spend time picking something out...but for the most part I'm enjoying getting to look "cute" everyday! So just in case you were wondering...scrubs aren't what they appear to be!

Wednesday, April 26, 2006


I miss Nepal...bad. I'm craving Nepali food, to speak Nepali, to wear Nepali clothes, to see the mountains, to get lost because the taxi driver doesn't understand english, to hold my nose so I can't smell the foul smells. I miss it. But more than missing Nepal and its heart hurts. There are so many lost people there, Nepal remains 1 % christian. I have a friend going this summer and I'm so jealous, I'm ready to pack into her suitcase. There has been such an urgency in my spirit lately about reaching the lost and praying for the lost and unreached. The other night I couldn't stop crying as I tried to fall asleep thinking about the sweet Nepali people who don't know Jesus and serve false gods so devoutly out of fear of them. I'm praying the Lord will open the doors for me and now my husband to return soon. Thanks for listening to me over the last six years tell my stories of Nepal.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

The Million Dollar Question

Since making the decision about a month ago not to go on staff with GCM, Bryan and I found ourseleves bombarded by the million dollar question of "what are you going to do now". Deffinately not a bad question, we just didn't have an answer and we might could have gotten at least 100 dollars if we got a dollar for every person who asked us the question =)!! So anyway, if you have been talking to us over the last month, you would know that just about everyday changes the "plan". We walked away from our decision not to go on staff with general direction from the Lord, and peace that specific direction would come, and amazing peace that we were where we were supposed to be! We really felt the Lord wanting us to move away from the Montgomery/Auburn area since this is all we've ever known and have a "fresh" start. So we began looking with what little direction we had. In the past month, Nashville, Colorado, Seattle, and Kentucky have all be considered...we got excited about all of them but yet no peace. A simple phone call changed a lot and we think the lucky state is North Carolina. Since so much of the planning is still in the praying and planning stages, I will leave it at we have peace about moving to North Carolina and the Lord is showing us what He has for us there and we are extremely excited! He is deffinately leading us to places and areas of ministry we never saw ourselves being used! More details will come as I feel that the Lord gives me freedom to share with you! We will remain in Auburn at least until August! So come party at the Payne St. house this summer!!

Monday, April 17, 2006

To Know Him and Make Him Known

Over the last two weeks I have been asking the Lord to give me a mission/vision statement to be kind of my banner or mindset for each day. The other night He spoke this one to me..."to know Him and make Him known". It has been so exciting to see how each day takes on a different form when this is my mindset. I was telling a friend the other day, that I love that it encompasses all of life and not just one facet of ministry. That I can know Him in every second of life and that I have the opportunity to make Him known in every aspect of life. It also helps me from finding my identity in "ministry" which I sometimes do, but instead I long to make Jesus known in any way form or fashion. Over the last two weeks the Lord has begun to stretch me as He is slowly revealing bits of His plan for us. There are ways that He is leading me that I never thought He would use me, but yet I am so excited about the adventure ahead of us.

The other day I was at Target on a hunt for some brown flip flops. I had a pair of brown flip flops for about three years, and last fall when we gave our shoes for hurricane relief, I had those on, needless to say it was a bittersweet experience as they were my most favorite pair of shoes. However, the Lord spoke gently to my heart that the shoes that would replace those would be ones with a neat story. Well, now that its summer time, my need for my brown flip flops has come. Granted I was being very picky, but I wanted brown flips flops exactly like my old ones. Well, I was at target just glancing, hoping they might have something that was similar and what would you know, they did! I was trying them on, and untangling them from other shoes when the lady next to me asked if I liked her shoes and if they fit. We proceeded to talk while looking at shoes and this woman began to pour her heart to me about loosing her husband a year ago and how these last few weeks had been so hard. I walked away from that moment so full of joy that in the middle of target, while looking for shoes I was able to minister the grace, love, and compassion of Jesus to that woman. She was clearly hurting if she poured her heart out to a complete stranger in target. This is the kind of life I want to lead, that on a daily basis, in the midst of daily life, I can make Jesus known to complete strangers in Target! I was also so blessed that in giving my favorite shoes, someones feet were covered, and in finding a new pair of favorite shoes, someones life was ministered too!

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Not my will be done, but Your will be done

I have found such freedom and peace in praying such a simple prayer. It is so freeing to place your hands before the Lord and let go of your dreams and desires and whole heartly submit yourself to Him and His plans no matter what they are! As I have walked through this process recently I realized how strong-willed I am. However, at the end of this process after fulling surrendering myself and my dreams to the Lord I couldn't be more at peace and more excited about what He has in store for me and my husband!!! I have more peace now not knowing what the road ahead will hold, but knowing that I am where He wants me, rather than knowing what the road ahead holds and not being where He wants me!

Friday, March 24, 2006

Wedding Pictures

Here's the link to our wedding pictures for those of you who would like to see!

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Mr. and Mrs. Isbell

So its kinda wierd that I have a different last name now and that a boy lives with me...but i'm getting used to it and deffinately not complaining! I love not having to say goodnight and then good-bye. I'm glad when we say goodnight he stays with me. The honeymoon was great! The smokey mountains are so beautiful! We went hiking and took lots of pictures of rivers and the mountains. For his birthday we went to see the Biltmore Estate...that thing is unreal! It was amazing! Our cabin was awesome! The view was incredible, and it was nice to have a whole week to spend together just the two of us! The wedding was perfect, thanks to all of you who came and blessed us by being there. And those of you who helped clean up all the chairs! We couldn't have asked for a better day! Now the fun is over and I have thank-you notes to write, but I shouldn't be complaining because that means that we got gifts!!! I'm enjoying this being married thing!

Monday, March 06, 2006

4 Days!

Hey guys! Here are the directions for this weekend! If you are coming from Auburn its and hour and a half drive. From Montgomery about 30/45 minutes. I can't wait to see ya'll!

DIRECTIONS:From Auburn take I-85 to Montgomery
Follow I-85 all the way through Montgomery
I-85 will split into I-65Take I-65 south to MobileFollow I-65 South to exit #167(Hgwy80/Selma/Mont.airport)
Follow Hgwy 80 pass the airport-once you pass the airport its 12.9 miles
You will turn RIGHT at the SECOND flashing light(DO NOT TURN AT THE GE PLANT!!)
Turn RIGHT onto Broad Street and follow it until you see the sign for MARENGO PLANTATIONIt's set off the road so you will need to look for the sign
Call if you get lost, however, cell phones don't always work! 334-224-6213

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Here comes the bride...

Hey guys! If ya'll want a sneak peak at my wedding dress you can look at my bridal portraits online! Tell me your favorite and if someone picks the one that I choose for my portrait I'll give you a prize!!!!

Tuesday, February 28, 2006 other half

The Lord has truly blessed me with wonderful friendships. However, I have decided that in order for someone to be a close friend of mine a prerequisit is that they not live in the same city as me(with the exception of Layne who has lived in the same room with me for 3 years!). Of my closest friends, three of them live far away and three live relatively close. However, my other half lives on the other side of the country. Katie and I met six years ago in Texas while we were preparing to go to Nepal for 4 weeks. One of the first things I remember about Katie was that she asked me point blank "what has the Lord been teaching you" and we had only known each other for several days. Katie and I ended up sitting next to each other on every flight from the US to Nepal. By the time we arrived in Nepal we were inseparable and everyone knew who the crazy duo was. Katie truly brings out a different side of me. We are so much alike and yet different. We complement one another very well. As far as friendships go...she really is my other half. Over the last six years our friendship has grown in ways I never thought possible living on opposite sides of the country. We always seemed to be walking through the same situations in life or one of us was going through something the other had just gone through. I can't put our friendship into words and what a blessing it is to hear her voice on the end of the phone.
In one short week I will be picking Katie(Fulmaya is her nepali name) up at the airport! I cannot wait to see her! I haven't seen her in over a year! I'm so excited to have her come and stand next to me as I get married. I'm also excited for her to come simply because a part of my heart is in Nepal and in Seattle and Katie shares in that with me. I feel that she is bringing Seattle to me in some wierd way. Bryan's brother and sister-in-law will arrive next week as well from Seattle and I feel the same way about them. That they are bringing me a piece of my heart that remains there. I know this is really cheesy...but its so true. They are bringing places my heart longs for to me. The anticipation of next week is killing me! I don't even know what to expect but I know it will be more than I could imagine!

Thursday, February 23, 2006

"My God shall supply all your need..."

The last couple of months have been a rich season in my life. Upon graduation in December I was "on my own". I have not been a person who had to worry about money, if I wanted something, I usually bought it. My future hubby has come to notice over the years that my impulsive spending sprees are also a part of my flesh. I myself have also recognized that and wanted to tame the impulse. The Lord graciously did that for me. Over these last few months the Lord has provided exactly what I needed when I needed it. There is such a contentment that comes in having just what you need and nothing more. There have been several desires of my heart that the Lord graciously blessed me with through my generous parents during this time. However, I am thouroughly enjoying this growing time in my life where I am content with what I have, and could even possibly get rid of some of the stuff. (I am little concerned as to where all of Bryan's stuff is going to go when he moves in). Its a wonderful place to be, because then when the Lord blesses you with those desires of your heart, that aren't "needs" they are cherished even more. The Lord has also taught me the importance of being a wise steward of his money and really getting a good price on everything.

I was talking recently to a friend who is like a sister to me. The place the Lord is leading she and her husband really challenged me. They feel that they are holding too tightly to some material things the Lord blessed them with at one time. Those blessings were needed and wonderful at one time, but now they feel the blessings are tying them down. They are downsizing in a hgue way and are going to live a much simpler life. It encouraged me to hold the material blessings that I have from the Lord very loosely and to continue to give them back to Him, for He is the blessed giver of all good gifts. In our society, materialism is one of our main idols. I have been caught up in that trap for a couple of years now. I have found in the last few months that there is so much more peace and life, when you have what you need and nothing more. The rest are blessings from our Heavenly Father.

The Lord blessed Bryan and I greatly and met the desires of our hearts above and beyond with our house! I am so thankful to have such a beautiful and wonderful home to open up and have people over, however, I know that HE must always remain my focus rather than my home and what it looks like. I am enjoying this place that I am in...and I'm getting hitched in 14 days!!!!!!!

Tuesday, February 14, 2006


"Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." Heb. 11:1

"For we walk by faith, not by sight" 2 Corinthians 5:7

"Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him." 2 John 5:14-15

"Faith is grasping the unrealities of hope and bringing them into the realm of reality"

"Jesus said to him, "If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believe" Mark 9:23

"With men it is impossible, but not with God; for with God all things are possible" Mark 10:27

The Lord has been teaching me in a very real and tangible way about faith and trusting Him. Paul says in 2 Cor. 5:7 we are called to walk by faith and not by sight. I have pondered lately, what does that really mean. Well when you look at Heb. 11:1 we see that faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. In calling us to walk by faith and not by sight the Lord is calling us not to look at the reality of our situation, but the ability that God has to work on our behalf. When we look at the reality of our circumstances they seem impossible, but Jesus says, in Mark 9:23 that all things are possible to him who believe. In Mark 10:27, he says that what is impossible for man, is possible for God, because with God all things are possible. What wonderful promises to rest on, that all things are possible for God to him who believes. Jesus calls us to have faith in Him even when the answer is not in front of our face yet. In 1 John 5:14-15 He says that when we pray ACCORDING to His will, we know that He hears us and that we have what we ask of Him *(when we are praying in accordance with His will, not when we are praying for a million dollars just because we want it, its imperative that we be praying in accordance with His will which is His word)* Walking by faith means seeing that the answer to your prayers are already there, even if you don't see them yet. Because faith is the evidence of things unseen. Abraham believed the Lord's promise that he would have son, even though his wife was barren and was ninety years old-that is walking by faith. Believing the Lord over the reality of your situation, and trusting that what looks impossible with man is always possible with God.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006


So, i'm still processing this thought a little, but its stirring in my heart and my mind. Often I struggle with the feeling of not belonging, and that i'm missing out on this "community". I look around me and see that everyone else seems to have this whole intimacy thing down and their experiencing deep friendships...and I wonder what is my problem? So I was thinking about Christ and wondered about His life on the earth, and how everyone wanted to be around Him and hear Him teach. I'm sure that everyone wanted to be His best friend and to know Him intimately. However, He selected the twelve to be His disciples and to share His most intimate life with Him, but even beyond that John was the beloved disciple. John shared the most intimate of moments with Jesus, that the other disciples didn't share in. I realized, its not that Jesus picked favorites, but He desired that intimacy, just as we do since we were created in His image. I thought about to how the Lord chooses to reveal secrets to those of us who seek Him and know Him intimately, the Lord guards His heart and with whom He shares His secrets; so why shouldn't I guard my heart? Why shouldn't I pick favorites and have only my few close friends. I love to know that there are deep secrets and desires in my heart that only a select few and Jesus know. I love to know that there is a life hidden inside me and that its only shared with those who are given the key to enter the garden of my heart. I am so thankful that someone told me to save my heart for my husband, and I did just that. I'm thankful that Bryan is one of the only people who knows some of my deepest dreams and thoughts. And knows me better than I know myself sometimes.

However, I think in some ways my view of intimacy is skewed. I can share life with people, share parts of my heart, laugh, and enjoy their company-and that can be intimacy. I don't have to have a heart to heart with someone everytime I see them-although I love to talk deeply. But just because I don't have a heart to heart with someone doesn't mean I can't be intimate with them in a different way. I think in my quest for finding intimacy and having that sense of belonging, i've missed out on just enjoying people. This is hard for me since I connect with people through talking, but my desire is to increase connecting with people through just enjoying them. I love connecting on a deeper level, but I also just miss the days of hanging out and enjoying someones company through fun. I think I miss out on a lot of fun in life b/c I think to much and can be to serious. Oh to be an obliv(inside joke). Lord Jesus, give me the free heart of a child that wants to play and enjoy you and your children! Thank you for laughter and for fun!

Monday, February 06, 2006


Wow, it is such a joy to have people in my home to experience Christ together. Tonight was our first small group and once everyone left, I was overflowing with joy. It was a delight to clean up after everyone(and I don't like to clean). I am just blessed to be able to open up my home for believers to come and experience life together. Its so sweet to know people met with the Lord in your home! I'm so thankful to the Lord for providing us with a wonderful home to have people over so they can meet with Him and fellowship with other believers! It is truly such a blessing!

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

38 Days!

The invitations are out! Bryan and I are going to be married in 38 days! I cannot believe how quickly our engagement has flown by. Even in this time from moving from a dating couple, to an engaged couple, I see how much we've grown and learned. I cannot wait to be married and all that it holds for us. We just finished up some premarital counseling. The counsel we were given was so rich. He didn't focus primarily on the issues people face rather he continued to point us to Christ. It really helped me to see in such a clear light that if Bryan and I continue to reflect the love of Christ to one another and lavish grace, love, and mercy on one another the way that Christ does that on us daily, we will continue to have a wonderful relationship. It doesn't mean we won't have bumps and trials, it just means that if we remain focused on the Lord those trials will not be damaging to our relationship they will strengthen our relationship. Bryan has always shown me the love of Christ in our relationship, quick to forgive and to love me through service. I am thankful to be marrying a man who demonstrates to me on a daily basis the love of Christ, yet not only to me but to everyone he is around. I can't wait to begin the journey of marriage as we share the rest of our lives together! The past four and a half years have been an amazing time together. I can't wait to walk out the plan of God for our lives together!

Wednesday, January 25, 2006


Yesterday was a bittersweet day. I pulled up Farah's blog(my future sister-in-law) with excitement because of the picture I knew would be awaiting me...beautiful Mt. Ranier. The picture was amazing, almost surreal(good job David or Farah). It left me speechless and longing to be there to see the mountain with my own eyes. I found myself missing Seattle(well really Orting, WA) and Nepal yesterday. Two completely different places on opposite sides of the world. Yet, both places are very close to my heart. I miss the people there, the food, the smells, the sounds. I'm glad though to miss those places, because it makes it so much better when I get to go there. I'm so excited about the next time I will get to go to Seattle or Nepal. My heart comes alive in those places in a unique way. For now though, I am content to miss those places and long for the day when I will visit them, because I know this is where the Lord has called me, and I'm content here in beautiful Auburn. Ya'll probably think I'm crazy, but its ok...just thought I would share my day of bittersweetness.

Saturday, January 21, 2006

The Dreams I dream for you...

Ok so I'm going to be cheesy...only those of you in Chi-O can really appreciate the cheesiness of this though. During RUSH, Chi-O sings a song and part of the song goes like this..."the dreams I dream for you are deeper than the ones your clinging too, more precious than the finest things you do, and truer than the treasures you pursue. Let the old dreams die, like stars that fade from view, and take the cup I offer and drink deeply of the dreams I dream for you"

"For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are you ways My ways, says the Lord, For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts." Is. 55:8-9

"For I know the thoughts that I think towrd you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29:11

These verses and the words of this song speak deeply to my heart, because I am a "dreamer" I love to think of grand dreams...but yet it amazes me that the Lord has dreams and plans He has for me are far beyond any of the dreams I could ever imagine. I know some of the dreams I have "dreamed" are dreams He has placed in my heart, and I hold those dreams very close to my heart and only a treasured few people know them. However, it excites me to think that the Lord has so much planned for mine life...and I am so excited to begin this next phase of the journey called marriage, because I know that He has amazing plans for our lives! Right now I am recognizing that the Lord still has me in a place of preperation...and preperation time is never lost time. I am also realzing that there are some dreams I must let go of, because they are my dreams and not dreams inspired by the Lord. I know that its not time for me to step into what the Lord has shown me He has planned for me(parts of it anyway). I am excited for this time of preperation, as the Lord continues to mold me, to chisel me, and prepare me for the plans He has for us. I even more excited about the plans He has for Bryan and the things the Lord will accomplish through him. I am so excited to begin this wonderful journey with the man of my dreams!!!

Thursday, January 19, 2006

355 Payne St.

This is the living room with the sofa and loveseat the Lord provided
Our bed without the mattress(its much more comfortable now)
The dining room has a cool paint finish but you can't really see it
We have a screened in porch too!

Here are pictures of our house on Payne St! Come by and see us for those of you who live in Auburn!

This is the kitchen...they remodeled it and its soo cool!

This is the guest room/office that is currently occupied by my best friend and faithful roommate of 3 years. I am really sad that she will soon be replaced...but very gladly welcoming my new roommate(he's a boy...isn't that weird!). And my favorite room is the pinkish room that has the books...its my reading/personal space room! I hope you enjoy!

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Believing God for the Desires of your heart

Psalms 37: 3-7 "Trust in the Lord, and do good; Dwell in the land, and feed on His faithfulness. Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him, and He shall bring forth your righteousness as light, and your justice as the noonday. Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him!"

For over a year now these verses have been very close to my heart. The verses that have really guided my thinking and my steps. One of the biggest things the Lord has taken me through this past year is having believing faith. I am amazed as I sit here in my house on Payne Street at the work of the Lord.

For at least two years I have been in love with Payne street, and more specifically a particular house on Payne Street. I would always cut through Payne Street to drive home so that I could drive past "my" house. Bryan and I always joked that the house would be for sale when we got engaged...well to our dissappointment it wasn't(like we could have afforeded it anyway). That ended our looking for a house to rent/buy on Payne Street. We were so excited to find out that Billie and Travis needed renters for their little home and we could deffinately afford the rent so we went for it. Then we found out we were second on the list for the house. So we started looking again. I was driving home one night, I do believe from TCBY, on the phone with my mom, when the voice of the Lord instructed me to drive down Payne Street. I listen to the Lord when I drive because I don't want to get into an accident. So I kept chatting and drove home down payne street thinking nothing of it until I got almost to the end of the street and saw a for rent sign. I freaked out and called Bryan, we called the owners and set up a time to come by and see it.

It was love at first sight...with the exception of having no pets...the house was more than I ever could have imagined so we set up a time for an interview. The Lord really began to stir in my heart the things He wanted to accomplish in the house and I knew it was where He wanted us. Except that they don't rent to undergrads...and even though I was graduating in December, Bryan was still an undergrad. We decided to trust the Lord because we really knew He was leading us to this house. Even though all odds were against us, the Lord gave us favor and we trusted Him to get us the house despite the circumstances. And He did, and I sit here amazed that I am living in a house on Payne Street that is more than I ever could have hoped for. The Lord amazes me how He meets the desires of our hearts. Once I figure out how to put pictures on this thing I will post some of our lovely home...those of you in AU should stop by though!

To Do Lists

Its seems lately that my to do lists never end. This past week I worked consistently everyday from 8 am -8 pm and yet at the end of each day I still had tons that was not accomplished. Even by the end of the week everything I had hoped would be done wasn't. I will be the first to admit, I don't ALWAYS use my time wisely, but thats something I have been working on and this past week I was very productive with my time and yet the end of the to do list is no where in sight. Last night I was working on wedding stuff and felt somewhat like a loser for being at home on a saturday night by myself working on wedding stuff. I contemplated calling several people, but i knew I wouldn't enjoy myself because I would know how much there was to be done. It's so frustrating to me because these things are things that must be done, however, they are things that keep from doing what I truly love to do. I have found that its hard for me to enjoy spending time with people just hanging out b/c I always feel guilty because I know there is so much else I could be doing. I long for a day when I can sit down and have NOTHING to do...where I can choose to do whatever I want to do and not feel bad b/c something else is not getting done. And yet while I was having my pitty party last night the Lord gently tugged on my heart and reminded me that I am never alone, and He is always with me, tying ribbons on the programs and that while I get frustrated by having to do all these seemingly pointless things(b/c I know at least the guests will throw their program away!) He is right there with me for me to talk with Him and enjoy His company. So while I feel that my to do list may not have an end for a while, I am going to savor those moments with the Lord and tie every ribbon with joy!

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Thought for the day

"Isn't that so like God to want us to trust Him and His power to do things for that doesn't intend for us to do for ourselves."

In raising support, I am making the phone calls and meeting with people and asking them to support me and yet all the while its still the Lord who provides the money for me. Its something I've been thinking about these last couple of days. That the Lord is my provider and He is the one who will provide the money for me even though I'm making the phone calls! How great is our God that He works on our behalf! Praise the Lord He is my Provider!!

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Believing God

I know its been awhile since I posted, I apologize to all of you who were dissapointed each time you checked my blog to see the same title pop up. A lot has been going through my mind over the last month and I've been trying to decide what I wanted to post.

in Matthew 7:8-10 a picture of great faith is displayed for us. The centurion comes to the Lord and asks Him to heal His servant, the Lord says He will go and heal the servant but the centurion stops him and says, "Lord, I am not worthy that You should come under my roof. But only speak a word, and my servant will be healed." What a profound display of faith! This man believed that the Lord was powerful enough to heal a person simply by speaking the words out of His mouth. In verse 10 Jesus says, "Assuredly, I say to you, I have not found such great faith...go your way; and as you have believed, so let it be done for you."

In Mark 11:23-24, Jesus says, " Have faith in God, for assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, 'Be removed and be cast into the sea', and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says. Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you have recieved them, and you will have them."

Jesus commands us here to have faith in God, a command is a form of sentence structure indicating action. Jesus is telling us to have faith in God and His word. Just like we feed our bodies so they will grow or we water a plant so it will grow, we have to feed our faith so it will grow. How do we feed our faith? We feed our faith with the word of God and then acting on God's word. If we feed our body food so it will grow but then we don't use our bodies energy we become fat, however if we use our energy and build muscle we become stronger. The same is with our faith, we can feed our faith God's word but if we don't act on His word we become spiritually overweight. If we act on God's word though we build our faith muscles and become stronger.

What could we accomplish for the Lord if we had faith like the centurion, if we had believing faith that knew the Lord would answer our prayers.

Walking by faith and not by sight is a journey that I have traveled these past few months and its such a joy to believe God for things that are not yet seen. "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." Hebrews 11:1 The Lord calls us to have faith in things that we cannot see and believe, according to His word that He is faithful.

I hope this year we will all feed our faith the word of God and grow in our ability to believe God!!