Wednesday, April 26, 2006


I miss Nepal...bad. I'm craving Nepali food, to speak Nepali, to wear Nepali clothes, to see the mountains, to get lost because the taxi driver doesn't understand english, to hold my nose so I can't smell the foul smells. I miss it. But more than missing Nepal and its heart hurts. There are so many lost people there, Nepal remains 1 % christian. I have a friend going this summer and I'm so jealous, I'm ready to pack into her suitcase. There has been such an urgency in my spirit lately about reaching the lost and praying for the lost and unreached. The other night I couldn't stop crying as I tried to fall asleep thinking about the sweet Nepali people who don't know Jesus and serve false gods so devoutly out of fear of them. I'm praying the Lord will open the doors for me and now my husband to return soon. Thanks for listening to me over the last six years tell my stories of Nepal.

1 comment:

bethany said...

i have been feeling similarly lately. can't get thailand off my mind and missing my sweet friends terribly...