Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Not my will be done, but Your will be done

I have found such freedom and peace in praying such a simple prayer. It is so freeing to place your hands before the Lord and let go of your dreams and desires and whole heartly submit yourself to Him and His plans no matter what they are! As I have walked through this process recently I realized how strong-willed I am. However, at the end of this process after fulling surrendering myself and my dreams to the Lord I couldn't be more at peace and more excited about what He has in store for me and my husband!!! I have more peace now not knowing what the road ahead will hold, but knowing that I am where He wants me, rather than knowing what the road ahead holds and not being where He wants me!


Katie B said...

I can't wait to see what God does as you and your hubbie continue to surrender to Him! You were missed this weekend!

Lele said...

karen- i'm really excited about what's in store for you and brian! you're in my prayers! i love you both!