Sunday, July 15, 2007


This last week has been one of the craziest weeks of my life; however, the Lord also pulled all the details together a midst the craziness.

My nephew Tyler James Brewer entered 7 weeks early on Tuesday, July 11 at 1:02 pm. He and Jennifer are both doing great. To see pictures of him you can go to

Bryan is going to be teaching Health and coaching PE at Snellville Middle School and I am going to be a teacher's aid at Hopkins Elementary School. We are both excited about these jobs. I am going back to school to work on my Master's degree and we are going to be attending an amazing church with many growth and service opportunities for both of us.

We are still working on the housing situation but will hopefully have that nailed down by the end of next week. As soon as we have a place to live we will pack up and head over, right now though we are still enjoying our time with friends and family in Montgomery. I am hoping that the change in pace of our lives will allow me more time to blog, but I won't make promises I can't hopefully more blogs will come but don't hold me to it.