Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Fulmaya...my other half

The Lord has truly blessed me with wonderful friendships. However, I have decided that in order for someone to be a close friend of mine a prerequisit is that they not live in the same city as me(with the exception of Layne who has lived in the same room with me for 3 years!). Of my closest friends, three of them live far away and three live relatively close. However, my other half lives on the other side of the country. Katie and I met six years ago in Texas while we were preparing to go to Nepal for 4 weeks. One of the first things I remember about Katie was that she asked me point blank "what has the Lord been teaching you" and we had only known each other for several days. Katie and I ended up sitting next to each other on every flight from the US to Nepal. By the time we arrived in Nepal we were inseparable and everyone knew who the crazy duo was. Katie truly brings out a different side of me. We are so much alike and yet different. We complement one another very well. As far as friendships go...she really is my other half. Over the last six years our friendship has grown in ways I never thought possible living on opposite sides of the country. We always seemed to be walking through the same situations in life or one of us was going through something the other had just gone through. I can't put our friendship into words and what a blessing it is to hear her voice on the end of the phone.
In one short week I will be picking Katie(Fulmaya is her nepali name) up at the airport! I cannot wait to see her! I haven't seen her in over a year! I'm so excited to have her come and stand next to me as I get married. I'm also excited for her to come simply because a part of my heart is in Nepal and in Seattle and Katie shares in that with me. I feel that she is bringing Seattle to me in some wierd way. Bryan's brother and sister-in-law will arrive next week as well from Seattle and I feel the same way about them. That they are bringing me a piece of my heart that remains there. I know this is really cheesy...but its so true. They are bringing places my heart longs for to me. The anticipation of next week is killing me! I don't even know what to expect but I know it will be more than I could imagine!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

First off, you don't know me. I go to church with David and Farah and a while back I met your soon to be husband. Just yesterday I finally got to see you on your wedding website and you look amazing! Enjoy the wedding, married life and all that can come with it!

God bless!