Thursday, May 04, 2006

I love my job

Don't ask me why because most people would hate it, but I love it! Today I spent my entire 5 hours at work typing data into a computer. I spent the last week hauling 1400 patient files up and down a ladder from the attic, putting the numbers into a database. I know the reason I love this job and not because of the actual work...although I don't mind it and it doesn't bore me. I love that I get to spend a lot of time in prayer, I love that I get to pray over each patient by name...even though I don't know who they are or anything about them except they have arthritis. But how cool is it that I prayed for 1400 people that I don't know by name. I love that I get to be a light in a dark place! Today it was very clear to me why I love working in this type of environment. This is the second doctors office job I have had and in every case it was the same....the staff gripes and complains about the doctor and each other. My first day at work I overheard one of the head nurses saying she wished we were more like a family...the Lord pricked my heart and I have since been praying certain things over the office. The ladies I work with all come from difficult situations and don't appear to be walking with the Lord, however, they are hurting and just want someone to genuinely care about them.

I told Bryan that the reason I think I have wanted/like to work in this type of environment is because I have the ability to make the place one of encouragement rather than discouragement and negativity. The doctor needs a supportive staff not one that gripes behind her back....and they all need one another to help them not only through the day but through life. I realize as a believer the power I posses through prayer to change the atmosphere of the office. I look forward to seeing what the Lord does in my time there as He continues to show me how to pray for them and how to be an encouragement to them!

Oh and by the way...I am no longer just a full-time file-clerk I am the medical records person...I like that it sounds more professional than file-clerk!!

1 comment:

bethany said...

hey sweetie... i miss you! long time no see. reading this post made me miss you more. thanks for reminding me the importance of "pray without ceasing" and the power in that. love ya!