Tuesday, June 27, 2006


The last few weeks have been full and not without there moments, however, through every day I have seen how tremendously blessed I am. There is no way the negative can out weigh the blessings in my life!

TOP 12
1. David and Farah, Dax and Cole are home
2. I got to spend the weekend in NC in the beautiful Blueridge Mountains
3. I made a new friend who lives in CA
4. I got to worship with 200 amazing godly women, be encouraged, inspired, humbled
5. I got some rest and rich fellowship with Jesus
6. I got to see my newest nephew several times in one week
7. I got to drive 10 hours with my mom and have good conversation
8. I have an amazing husband
9. I got to drive a Jeep Wrangler
10. My mom and I made it home from NC safely, and on Sunday
11. The Lord provided faithfully everything we needed this week
12. Mine and Bryan's car repairs were cheaper than we thought

Bottom 4
1. My car died on the way home from NC Sunday afternoon
2. The mechanics at Sears and Firestone argued for 2 hours about the problem
3. I cried while standing in the rain because they wouldn't listen to me about the problem
4. Bryan's car had to go to the shop the day after mine had to have a new battery and alternator

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