Monday, December 17, 2007

War on Beauty

Over the last several weeks I have battled some personal insecurity struggles. During this time people have fought alongside me against their own enemies, while I have seen others crumble under the intensity of the attack. Mind you there were some days that I was badly wounded because the enemy seemed more powerful that day and I too crippled under the intensity. However, as the attack is ceasing for now, my heart is aching as I look around me and see how many have been crippled by the seemingly overwhelming power of the enemy. The war on beauty that women are facing each day is, I believe, at one of its fiercest levels.

As I am fighting this battle, I am recognizing again the importance of clinging to the truth of God's word, concerning our bodies...His Temple. Because the lies of this world concerning beauty and our bodies are so strong we have to be constantly armed with God's word in order to be able to live in victory. Now, I say this as a personal lesson I am learning myself.

I am seeing more and more Christian women falling subject to the lies of deciet concerning our bodies the world is telling us. I am not saying that exercising, wearing make-up, cute clothes, etc. is wrong I am just seeing so many women "fixing" themselves because they feel that the way they were created isn't good enough. I too have felt this deep pain of feeling like certain parts of my body weren't "just right". And although I don't always feel like my body is beautiful the way the Master crafted it, I know that the truth is that it is. Over the last several weeks I have struggled to cling to this truth, but more than anything I have longed for all women to be set free by this truth, and to know that our true beauty comes from our inside out.

Not only is the media targeting women's perceptions of true beauty, but they are also warping men's perceptions of beauty. The war on beauty is not only on us as women but also on our men.

My prayer today is that God's truth would renew our minds and that when we look in the mirror we would see ourselves as He sees us, a beautiful creation, a reflection of Him.

Very Cool video:

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