Friday, October 21, 2005


This week the Lord has totally blown me away with blessings. It's been such a good reminder though of His love for me as my Abba, and just as my parents desire to give me the things that I want so does the Lord. It's also been wonderful to be able to give all the glory to Him for each thing. The Lord continuallly blows me away by the fact that He knows my desires far better than even I know them! There's no way I can take credit for all the things He's blessed me with.

1. A wonderful finace' who speaks truth over me, is supportive and helps me make the best decision, and enjoys doing all the wedding stuff with me

2. A beautiful wedding dress that I feel radiant in, has certain things that I wanted, and also has certain things that I never imagined I would want...but fit me perfectly
("Karen, that dress looks like you just hanging on the hanger"-my best friend Layne)

3. An amazing mother who answers my 12 million phone calls a day(she's the only person I can talk to b/c our minutes are free and I went over my minutes for the month already)...who calls the caterer, photographer, etc. for me...who picks up at the last minute to drive to Auburn when I think I found my wedding dress and take me to dinner.

4. A kitchen table exactly as we wanted it...on sale

5. Pillows that i wanted and couldn't find anywhere!!

6. A couch for free!!!

7. A caterer with amazing prices who gives 50% of his profit to missions!! So half the money we spend on the delicious food you will all eat at the reception will got to missions! What better way to spend your money??!!!

8. A wonderful dinner last night that made me remember my summers in Nepal and the people there.

9. An incredibly sweet time with Jesus and the girls on the prayer team last night before Encounter

10. Our friends and family who are loving on us and supporting us during this time! I can't even begin to tell you how much each one of you has blessed our hearts with excitement and congratualtions...the Lord has used ya'll to bless us and remind us how much we are loved and how much people care about us!

I can't even begin to tell ya'll how faithful the Lord has been to us during this time! I am not stressed out... the Lord has made everything fall into place far beyond what I could have hoped or imagined! My mom has been amazing helping get things done! Thank ya'll so much for being there for us and making this time so wonderful and sweet! I wish we were going to be engaged longer...wait what am I I don't...5 months is plently long enough!!!

1 comment:

jared.smith said...

Karen >>
Mer and I are both so thrilled for you two. Good to hear that the Lord is tending to the plans. Trust in Him fully and He will show His forever faithfulness!! Can't wait to hopefully see you both soon. Jared.