Thursday, January 10, 2008

Buddhism teaches them niceness

On the way home from work Bryan was sleeping so I listened to the Wednesday weekly edition of Dr. Blue on Star 94. I don't really like him, or his counseling philosophies, however, since I am pursuing a career in counseling(one day) I still like to listen. 

Dr. Blue just got back from a 3 week visit to Thailand. His comments on the country were that the people were so nice, and that he had never been treated with such "niceness". "Buddhism teaches them niceness".  Having been to two Buddhist/Hindu countries, I can agree with him that yes culturally they are very nice (for the most part-the rude ones are out there and you just don't understand their language) But what impacted me more than anything was the fact that he equated their religion with their actions-positive actions. 

I hope that when people meet Christians they think things like this as well. I pray that we will be a generation of believers marked by love, patience, kindness, compassion, forgiveness...


Crystal Corn said...

I agree. I want/wish that Christians were immediately equated with good deeds....or at least good attitudes.
Sadly enough there's a flip side to that coin. This week I sat at the lunch table and listened to a Christian talk about how her views were far superior to everyone else's. Then, another Christian student(from my very own church) made a snarky, venomous comment to one of our kids causing him to say, "I'd consider Christianity if it weren't for all the Christians I know".

I quietly wondered to myself if the good deeds of some could outshine the not-so-good deeds of others, particularly when the nasty Christians seem to be the loudest.

Farah said...

I hear you two on all that!! Those squeaky wheels definately are there and they can run some people down. I just wish that they could turn over their hurt to the One they say they trust so they wouldn't react by lashing out. I wish they would come to that place of not working so hard for His love and just live in it. I wish I didn't have days that resemble theirs.

Crystal Corn said...

Amen sista!

ps-I love you! (both of you)