Friday, September 23, 2005

I have a little head

So today I got measured for my cap and gown and ordered my graduation invitations. Who would have ever thought you could make a living off college students walking across a stage and getting a diploma but the balfour people sure know how to get every last penny out of the broke college students...some of the options you would have to take a loan out for. It was kind of weird...its all very surreal. The real world still seems very far away...and I think I like it that way. Also can anyone tell me the origin of the word Balfour because quite honestly I think its a really wierd name.


dianne said...

Karen- You CRACK me up!!! It's exciting to know that life is treating you GREAT! I love it! And look forward to many more random and hysterical thoughts from inside your TINY HEAD!!! Much love! time for a road trip to cali?!?!

Lele said...

i bet you're wondering why you have nine deleted comments....(i know...)
Love you Karen! You need to come up to Nashville soon! I loved being with you when you were up here last time! Gah! Good stuff!